The deadline for abstract submission is extended to 31 January 2025
Inputs required for an abstract submission:
- Title
- Main author contact details
- Co-author(s) contact details
- Selected scientific theme (regular sessions) or mini-symposia
- Abstract description (50 words max)
- A 3-page abstract in pdf format
The conference program is composed of oral presentations only (no posters). The selection for oral presentation is performed on the basis of the 3-page abstract. No additional materials will be required (no extended abstract or article).
The 3-page abstracts will be collected in an e-book of abstracts that will be made available to the conference participants before the event. It will not be referenced by Web of Science or Scopus.
It is not possible to have a slot for an oral presentation if no abstract had been submitted through the WESC 2025 submission platform by the deadline (except for “special” sessions).
The Microsoft Word or LaTeX template must be used in the preparation of the 3-page abstract, including figures and references. (see Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates in the submission form).
The abstracts can be submitted either to scientific themes or to mini-symposia :
- Submission to scientific themes (regular sessions)
- To help you to select the right scientific theme to submit your abstract, a non-exhaustive list of topics is available for each theme here (topics of regular sessions will be fine-tuned on the basis of the submissions).
- The members of the Scientific Committee , will be in charge of the the review process and of the construction of the oral presentation program for regular sessions
- Submission to mini-symposia
- To help you to select the right mini-symposia to submit your abstract, the list of mini-symposia is available in the mini-symposia tab for each theme here
- The mini-symposia organizers will be in-charge of the review process and of the construction of the oral presentation program for their mini-symposia.
- The mini-symposia organizers can invite people to submit a contribution to their mini-symposia but cannot restrict the submission access. During the call for abstracts, anyone may submit an abstract to the mini-symposia.
Submission form
Mini symposia
The call for mini-symposia is now closed.
General information provided to the mini-symposia submitters:
- Each mini-symposia normally consists of 1 to 4 time slots. Each slot is 105 min long. The format is open (length and number of oral presentations).
- The mini-symposia organizers will be in-charge of the review process and of the construction of the oral presentation program.
The WESC 2025 organiser will ask mini-symposia organisers for their preferred dates but cannot guarantee them. - The Theme co-chairs are in charge of the mini-symposia selection. They can propose the merging of mini-symposia or the transfer to another Theme.
- The mini-symposia organisers can invite people to submit a contribution to their mini-symposia but cannot restrict the submission access.
During the call for abstracts, anyone may submit an abstract to the mini-symposia. - The mini-symposia organizers need to ensure all the abstracts of their sessions are submitted through the conference website by the deadline.
- It is recommended that mini-symposia co-organisers come from different organisations.
- It is not recommended that all speakers at an mini-symposia come from the same organisation.
- No special financial arrangements or considerations will be given to the mini-symposia organizers. However, the mini-symposia organizers and chairpersons for each session will be indicated in the conference program.
- The mini-symposia organizers can deliver their talks as part of the mini-symposia.